Brain, microcephaly and macrocephaly


 Hello everybody!!!!👋

We are Jimena, Irene, Ana, Julia and Irene.

We are going to talk about the size of the brain, macrocephaly and microcephaly.

First the size of the brain: 

The adults brain is 1350 cubic centimetres and 1'5kg

The brain of a baby is 36cm and 350g.

Macrocephaly and microcephaly:       

        This is macrocephaly and             This is microcephaly and this 

     hidrocephaly. It's when the            happens for two reasons: 

   head has a lot of water                   1º. If someone of your family 

   inside. Macrocephaly and               have it. 

   hidrocephaly has treatments,          2º. There is a virus that is called 

   but obiosly there is the posibility    zika. If your mother is pregnant

   that you died.                                   and got infect of the zika the 

                                                             baby will have microcephaly


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