parents: Saturno and Ops
Story:Maximun deity of roman mythology,ruled the rest of the gods,the mortals and the sky.
Symbols a thunderbolt, an eagle and the scepter
Parents name:Saturno and Ops
Story:Juno was Roman goddess of marriage,fertility,and family.she was the queen of the gods and of heaven.she could be represend in various ways,but she always wore a crown.
Symbols and objects:peacock and scepter
Parents name:Saturno and Ops
Story:husband of proserpina, whom he kidnapped to marry him.Proserpina´s mother,ceres,was so grieved that she brought on winter. His palace is located in the middle of Tartarus, where as sovereign he watches over the administration of his state and dictates his inflexible laws.
Symbols and objects:a helmet and a trident.
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