ROMAN GODS

Juno: In Roman mythology,Juno was a goddess, equivalent to the Greek Hera, goddess of marriage and queen of the gods. Daughter of Saturn and Ops, sister and wife of Jupiter, with whom...In Roman mythology Juno represents motherhood.

Curiosities: Provoked the war of Troya.


Urano:In Greek mythology.Uranus is a god and titan personifying the sky. ...In the Greek,Uranus was the son and husband of Gaia,the Earth Mother who,according to Hesiod in the Theogony,had conceived Uranus by herself.

curiosities: his youngest son killed him.                  

  Diana: Diana was orinally a goddess of the hunt, associated with animals and wild lands. Later she becames a goddess of the moon, supplating Luna and also being an emblem of chastity. She was praised in poetry for her strength, athletic grace beauty and hunting skills.
Diana`s face is the maximum representation of beauty and tenderness.
Curiosities:he had to help his mother in the delivery of her twin.

Mercury:In Roman mythology, Mercury was an important god of commerce.  He is also god of eloquence, messages, communication, travelers,trickery and thieves. 
He is depicted wearing winged sandals and a staff entwined with two serpents.
Curiosities:when he was only six days old, he created the lyre.
Mars:In Roman mythology, had many attributes, he was the god of war, masculine virility, violence, passion, patron saint of Roman warriors, horror and victory in battles. He was son of Juno and Jupiter.
Curiosities:he was the lover of Venus when she was with Vulcano.


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